Write more than one story at a time

Sunday, 16 June 2013

I think it's something writers do experience when the're already working on a story.

Sometimes an idea pops out while you're writing, but it doesn't fit what you're working on. In fact, it would fit for another story, and it starts developping itself because it remains in your mind, and you're often reminded of it of through scenes that happen in your daily life, music or thoughts...
At that moment, it can get confusing. You want to finish your first task, but you also want to discover more about the new idea or even start writing a bit.
I have been facing such situation, and will probably face it again, but here are some of my personal tips to be sure not to lose both ideas nor time:

  • Take a pause from your current project. Sometimes, working for hours, days or months on a book can be tiring and even boring when you've done nothing else. and give your other idea a chance, without of course forgetting the first one.
  • Write down the main ideas about your new story, it could be shorts notes or even a paragraph, as long as you get it down on paper. I believe that if it keeps stuck in your mind, it will disturb you when you're busy writing. it's like getting it out to make place for your first work, and saving it for the next opportunity.
  • Such feeling won't happen once, you could have done this, and a week later, it's back in your mind again with fresh ideas, just write it down and keep doing what should be done.
  • If you have lost complete interest in your first work ( it does happen ), don't destroy it! keep it in a safe place, and go the other idea you had. Finish it ( and i hope for you it will get published ) so when you're done, you can always go back to your first story.

Personally, i try to make use of this technic as much as i can, because afterwards, i have the feeling that if i get stuck between ideas, it will take a certain form of procrastination.
If you have other tips to share, feel free to do it in the comments to discuss the topic.

I wish you a nice evening and a good start for the new week!

Difference between e-reading and book reading

Monday, 3 June 2013

With technology nowadays, we are able to read books on our phones, kindle, etc... But what about the paper book?
For a long time, i rejected the idea of reading it electronically. But i decided recently to give it a try, and to share my opinion about it .
So, i chose two stories that i like:
- Sherlock Holmes: a study in scarlet. ( Sir Arthur Conan Doyle )
- The Hobbit. ( J.R.R. Tolkien ).

E-book VS Book

What i have noticed when using a mobile or kindle is:
-you can save many books.
-it doesn't take space in your room, and isn't heavy to carry in a bag.
-There are options that allow you to read at night.
-Still, in case there is a malfunction, or low battery, you'll have to wait and it can be frustratring when you're reading an interesting part.
- Personally, i'm working a lot with computers at work and after that, so the last thing i have in mind before bed is a computer or a mobile phone.

When reading a paper book:
-Well, i wonder if all readers here will agree, but this is mainly my personal feeling. I love the scent of a fresh new book, it makes me eager to know what story it hides, and when i look or touch it, i feel a certain magic in my hand, as if i am about to enter a new world: the world of imagination. When i was holding Frankenstein in my hands i thought of fear, danger and sadness, when i held the hobbit i thought of adventures, creatures, magic, nature...
-A paperbook will never have low battery or be out or order for some particular reason.
-I think it's nice to have a bookshelf full with books, ( i wouldn't mind having one as big as the one in hogwarts ) it makes you want to read. But, it's not easy when you're travelling ( for example ) and you want to take a few books, because you have to restrain yourself sometimes.

So to conclude, i'd say that i do prefer paperbooks. Maybe it's because i've been used to it. But E-books are fine too. In the end, it allows you to read a good story and enjoy yourself.

So i'd love to know your opinion regarding this subject. Feel free to drop a comment!

Take care, & see you soon!