"Agents of change"

Friday, 22 January 2016

This will be my last post tribute to Alan Rickman.

Today marks one week that he passed away.

It was difficult to let the information sink in my mind, but after expressing my emotions, support from friends and remembering the positive impact Alan Rickman had on me, I am beginning to accept his sudden departure.

Always Alan Rickman " Thank you "

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Dear all,

I am having trouble to actually start this post. The words are lost in my mind and drowned in my tears. I never expected to write this, I never saw it coming, but I need to get it out.

I was working when I received the news from my sister and afterwards from friends that sent me words
of encouragement regarding Alan Rickman's passing.

I did however have to chance to give him a message by phone my admiration and love for him. His gratefulness will forever remain in my heart.
