warrior princesses: shout it out!
Tuesday, 8 March 2016
Hello bloggies!
Today's post is specially dedicated to the ladies that read my blog ( gentlemen, you are welcome to join the party!)
Generations have passed and there has been a clear evolution for women regarding existence, rights and image.
Today we should all remember that we are warriors, we should look up and not down on ourselves, we are just as precious as any other being walking on this earth. We are wild flowers that bloom everyday in all shapes and colours.
I know that there are still several subjects that needs to be reviewed such as: the stereotype of beauty (men are also involved in this), image in the media, the working environment, and most importantly women's rights. I remain positive that step by step, we will be able to move forward and break these fabrications that are so far from reality.
Today's post is specially dedicated to the ladies that read my blog ( gentlemen, you are welcome to join the party!)
Generations have passed and there has been a clear evolution for women regarding existence, rights and image.
Today we should all remember that we are warriors, we should look up and not down on ourselves, we are just as precious as any other being walking on this earth. We are wild flowers that bloom everyday in all shapes and colours.
I know that there are still several subjects that needs to be reviewed such as: the stereotype of beauty (men are also involved in this), image in the media, the working environment, and most importantly women's rights. I remain positive that step by step, we will be able to move forward and break these fabrications that are so far from reality.
"I screwed up my life"
Friday, 4 March 2016
You probably thought that once in your life? Or maybe you're thinking about it right now?
I was one of those persons, and maybe in the future I might think it again, but this time I will know how to deal with the thought of "failure".
Failure is a feeling that sits on our chest and starts weighting on our mind.
We have all tried something to achieve and failed. We have all lost something ( a person, a project, a dream, a job...) and once it slips from our hands and we can't get it back, we sometimes have this instinctive reaction to blame ourselves and to feel that we lost years of our lives, that's it's too late to achieve a dream.
This feeling is on occasions nurtured by remarks from others such as: "stop dreaming; get a "real" job"; it's out of your league; it's too late; you're at this stage or your life and you haven't done this?..."
The comments are numerous but I guess you understand what I mean.
At some point in my life, I blamed myself for every single thing I had not achieved, even though it was due to events that I could not control, I still thought it was my own fault for not doing enough.