Novel: Chapter one

Saturday, 9 August 2014

I've often been asked this question : "how am I going to start my novel?"

The first chapter which is the primary part that will either attract the reader or repel him ( of course there are cases where the reader gets dragged in the story in further chapters..)

Still, starting a novel, with the first chapter, the first part, the first sentence is often a struggle. We want to make sure that as soon as we start, the game is on.

Writer's block

Friday, 18 July 2014

I tend to call it my battle against the blank page.
It happens, and it can bring doubt about your potential.

We tend to forget that our brain can't always function with all its energy. There are times when it shuts down.
This should remind you of my previous article : Burnout.
Both are somewhat related, but it can also happen when you're fine and that you've run out of ideas for your story.

When I experienced this, I knew I wouldn't write well by forcing myself (usually when you force yourself, you tend to write something messy).


Saturday, 12 July 2014

 Burnout, one of the worst feelings you can encounter during your life.
As soon as you get the first signs that you're on the edge of a burnout, back away immediately.

What is a burnout exactly?

My description will be based on my personal experience.

Yoshiki Classical

Monday, 2 June 2014


 It required patience but it came true. The word impossible was merely an illusion.
This is what I strongly remember in my mind at Yoshiki Hayashi's concert.

During and after the show, most of my talk included: "wow", "incredible", "I can't believe it".

Paris in your pocket

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Hello everyone, I just came back from Paris again.

 Despite the weather i still had a lovely time with friends and tried to visit new places.

As I arrived at Charles De Gaulle airport and when I saw how huge it actually was, I bit my lip and thought: I need a map.


How to deal with rejection

Friday, 25 April 2014

Have a tissue for starters!

You've been working for ages on that novel, you feel like you have grown old because of it, and after it was finished, you sent it with great hope to an agent only to be welcomed by a negative answer: REJECTED!

Now, before you head for a mental breakdown, have a seat, and read what i would like to share with you.

Belgium, chocolate and fries?

Saturday, 12 April 2014

famous Manneke Pies statue

Although it was a short stay I tried to discover as much as I could in the lovely country of Belgium.
I felt partly at home since it resembles my mother land Holland.
I arrived in Hasselt and had during an afternoon some time to look a bit around.
Hasselt is a small city known for its good taste in food and clothing.
Of course most of the time, when you say Belgium you think of good fries and chocolate ( really delicious indeed )but that's not all of course.

You finished your novel...good! and now?

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Tricky isn't it? Here you are with a novel that is finished and submitted to an agent or a publisher. What will you do in the mean time?

Wait for an answer?

That will be the longest wait of your life.
I am sharing this subject because i've been expecting it as I reached the last pages of my novel. I felt various emotions: accomplishment, joy but also an inch of sadness and confusion.

After thinking it through and reaching the last page, i understood what i had to do after that...


Saturday, 25 January 2014

In terms of intrigue, cliffhangers, surprises.. This serie has amazed me just as much as BBC Sherlock, even though the concept is different, I found it nevertheless to be a great story with a good cast.